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quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2009

SIBi-USP Training The Trainers in Information Literacy

Multipliers of Competence in Information - Training the Trainers Workshop - SIBi IFLA UNESCO

As part of the systemic actions undertaken by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and the IFLA (International Federation of Library Association) involving the dissemination of expertise in information (information literacy), are being developed for training of trainers workshops on the subject in the world. The initiative proposed by the Integrated System of Libraries, University of São Paulo - USP-SIBi - integrates and contextualizes this effort, to train the staff of the library system as multipliers of information competence.

It is expected that participants have an active role in activities and are committed to continue the actions proposed in their units.

Methodology Training The Trainers requires:

- A process called peer education. The dynamics of learning is controlled by a colleague from work, which belongs to the same social group or profession.

- Learning is socially constructed, based on practical activities in conjunction with the work in teams or groups of interest.

- Incorporation of experiences by the group as a source of knowledge and learning.